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Oral cancer screening services during your routine dental visit in Etobicoke

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Oral Cancer Screening Services During Your Routine Dental Visit in Etobicoke Area

It is easy to miss oral cancer in the early stages, and even once there are signs, it is hard to find them during a self-examination. Oral cancer can be a life-threatening condition, and the sooner it's diagnosed, the better your prognosis and the more treatment options you will have. Sherway Dentistry in Etobicoke offers oral cancer screening services as a part of every dental checkup using the VELscope oral cancer screening device.

Oral cancer symptoms and risk factors

Precancerous cells may appear as white or red lesions on your gums or cheeks, and if they are removed, it greatly reduces the risk of developing malignant cells. You may develop sores that do not heal, bleeding, halitosis, painful or difficult swallowing, a sore or dry throat, or numbness. However, in most patients, there are no apparent symptoms in early oral cancer.

Heavy tobacco use and alcohol intake can increase your risk of cancer, but there are also genetic factors that contribute to oral cancer. About 95 percent of patients with oral cancer are over the age of 40, but young patients who do not smoke can still develop it, making regular screenings more important for your wellbeing.

What to expect during your screening

Your dentist can perform an oral cancer screening during your routine checkup at no additional cost. In addition to a brief physical exam of your neck, jaw, and mouth, we use a VELscope device. This handheld light uses blue-spectrum wavelengths that cause unhealthy tissue to appear noticeably darker, allowing the dentist to identify areas that may need further testing within a couple of moments.

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Your routine appointments can also play a critical role in preventing oral cancer. A growing body of research suggests that pathogenic bacteria responsible for tooth decay and gum disease increase the risk of cancer in people who smoke and drink alcohol. Our team can work to keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy to preserve your oral health, as well as reduce your risk of complications. Contact our office in Etobicoke today at 416.639.2546 to schedule your appointment.

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