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What to Expect from Custom-Fitted Sports Mouthguards?

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Custom Fit Sports Mouthguards in Etobicoke Area

These days, most folks suffer more from a lack of activity than previous generations. That is why it's so essential for us to be more active. And for certain activities, you need the proper protection, such as a mouthguard for sports. Thankfully, Drs. Shefali Tuli and Mislav Pavelic at Sherway Dentistry have athletes in Etobicoke covered with custom-fitted sports mouthguards!

Why Do You Need a Sports Mouthguard?

Your teeth are presumably the last thing you're thinking about while playing sports. But hard impacts and pressure during a game can result in catastrophic damage to your teeth! Here is a list of a few sports that use mouthguards.
  • Basketball
  • Football
  • Boxing
  • Martial Arts
  • Wrestling
  • Ice Hockey
  • Gymnastics

B-Team Mouthguards

It may be tempting to think a mouthguard is a mouthguard, but we can assure you this is not the case! There are two types of non-custom-made mouthguards, "boil and bite" and stock.


Stock mouthguards are the most common and do offer some protection. However, these mouthguards can often be ill-fitted to a person's teeth which can cause dental damage such as shifting.

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Boil and Bite

Boil and bite mouthguards are a step up from stock mouthguards, but just barely. They offer a slightly better fit because the gel is first softened in boiling water before the mouthguard is inserted into your mouth.

However, it's easy to cause an improper fit after the mould has been set if you're not biting down properly.

Both of these cheaper options are not designed for long-term use.

The Benefits of Custom-Made Mouthguards

Custom-made mouthguards are hands-down the champion of mouthguards. These protectors are made just for you by your dentist. While they are more expensive than the versions mentioned above, they last much longer because they are made of better-quality material and are guaranteed to be the best fit.

Properly fabricated custom-made mouthguards prevent tooth fractures or dislocation and protect the lower jaw. The mouthguard separates the lower jaw and upper jaw, reducing the risk of concussion by buffering transmission of impact to the base of the brain.

Playing Your Favorite Sport Hard, Safely

Don't wait on the sidelines! Call Sherway Dentistry at 416.639.2546 to make an appointment with Drs. Shefali Tuli and Mislav Pavelic today. Their address is 190 Sherway Dr. Suite 302 (located on the 3rd floor), Etobicoke, ON.

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